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mostrando 50 de 2.793 resultados
Referencia Nombre Unidad Proveedor Aplicacion Clonalidad Huésped Reactividad Precio Hoja Técnica
NE077/Bio Rabbit anti Porcine b-Hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase, conjugated with Biotin 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE028/PAb Rabbit anti Pigeon Carnitine acetyltransferase 1 mg Exalpha Immunoprecipitation. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB0507P Rat anti E-selectin 0.1 mg Exalpha UZ7 is suitable for immunoblotting, ELISA, immunop Rat Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1902P Mouse anti Vimentin 0.1 mg Exalpha V9 is suitable for immunoblotting, immunocytochemi Mouse Chicken|Human|Rat|Sheep Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE032/Bio Rabbit anti Candida cylindracea Cholesterol esterase, conjugated with Biotin 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1102L1 Mouse anti Lamin A and C, conjugated to FITC 1ml Exalpha 131C3 is suitable for immunocytochemistry, immunoh Mouse Bovine|Dog|Hamster|Human|Mouse|Rat|Sheep Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE068/PAb Rabbit anti Enterobacter aerogenes Glycerol dehydrogenase 1 mg Exalpha Immunoprecipitation. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE056/Bio Rabbit anti Escherichia coli b-Galactosidase, conjugated with Biotin 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1502P Mouse anti Plakophilin-3 0.1 mg Exalpha 12B11F8 is suitable for immunocytochemistry (metha Mouse Canine|Human|Mouse|Swine Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE081/Bio Rabbit anti Saccharomyces cerevisiae Inorganic pyrophosphatase, conjugated with Biotin 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1301P Mouse anti NCAM / CD56 0.1 mg Exalpha 123C3 is suitable for immunoblotting, immunocytoch Mouse Human|Zebrafish Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB2019P Mouse anti PSA 0.1 mg Exalpha 1A7 is suitable for immunocytochemistry, immuno-hi Mouse (Balb/c) Feline|Human Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1811P Mouse anti Rec.Pr.Thyrosin Phosphate (RPTP) 0.1 mg Exalpha 3D7 is useful for western blot, immunofluorescence Mouse (Balb/c) Human|Rat|Swine Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE020/7S Rabbit anti Cucurbita species Ascorbate oxidase 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE057/Pab Rabbit anti Aspergillus niger Glucose oxidase 1 mg Exalpha The reagents were evaluated for potency, purity an Rabbit Aspergillus niger Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB2039P Mouse anti ICAM-3 0.1mg Exalpha JA4 is suitable for immunoblotting, immunocytochem Mouse Human Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE066/Bio Sheep anti Rabbit Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, conjugated with Biotin 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Sheep Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE001/Pab Rabbit anti Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-Acetyl Coenzyme A synthetase 1 mg Exalpha Immunoprecipitation. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE057/7S Rabbit anti Aspergillus niger Glucose oxidase 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1203P Mouse anti MT1 / CD43 0.1 mg Exalpha The antibody is suitable for flow cytometry for an Mouse Human Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB0319P Mouse anti Cytokeratin 10 / Keratin K10 0.1 mg Exalpha RKSE60 is suitable for immunoblotting, immunocytoc Mouse Canine|Human|Mouse|Rat|Swine|Zebrafish Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1302P Mouse anti Nestin 0.1 mg Exalpha The 10C2 nestin antibody is useful for immunocytoc Mouse Human|macaque|Monkey Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE070/7S Sheep anti Rabbit Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Sheep Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE008/Pab Rabbit anti Candida boidinii Alcohol oxidase 1 mg Exalpha Immunoprecipitation. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE047/7S Rabbit anti Penicillium species Dextranase 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB0367P CD15/ Lewis X antigen/ alpha-(1,3)-fucosyltransferase 4 0.1mg Exalpha The BRA4F1 antibody is suitable for the detection Mouse Human Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB1700P Mouse anti Smoothelin 0.1 mg Exalpha R4A is suitable for immunoblotting, immunocytochem Mouse Canine|Chicken|Feline|Human|Monkey|Swine Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE064/Pab Rabbit anti Porcine Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 1 mg Exalpha Immunoprecipitation. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE019/PAb Rabbit anti Helix pomatia Aryl-sulfatase 1 mg Exalpha Immunoprecipitation. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE050/7S Rabbit anti Porcine Esterase 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GARa/IgM(Fc)/7S Goat anti Rat IgM (Fc specific) 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
NE063/7S Rabbit anti Bovine L-Glutamic dehydrogenase 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GARa/Alb/FITC Goat anti Rat albumin, conjugated with FITC 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (fr Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
H26p Chicken anti Chlorpyrifos 1 ml Exalpha The antibody may be used in ELISA and Immuno-affin Chicken Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MAHu/IgG4/FITC Mouse anti Human IgG4 (pFc subclass specific), conjugated with FITC 0.2 mg Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (fr Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MAHu/IgM/TRITC Mouse anti Human IgM (class specific), conjugated with TRITC 0.2 mg Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (fr Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GARa/IgM(Fc)/PO Goat anti Rat IgM (Fc specific), conjugated with Horseradish peroxidase 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
K67s Rabbit anti Bisphenol A 0.1 ml Exalpha Dilution of 1/50,000 from the delivered solution. Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MUB0106P Mouse anti annexin V 0.1 mg Exalpha The monoclonal antibody is suitable for ELISA in c Mouse Human|Zebrafish Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GASw/IgG(H+L) Goat anti Swine IgG (heavy and light chains) 1 ml Exalpha Precipitation assays. In immunoelectrophoresis use Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GARa/mIg/Bio Goat anti Rat IgG1 IgG2a IgG2b IgG2c IgA IgM (heavy and light chains) (non Human and Mouse), conjugated with Biotin 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
K66p Rabbit anti Bisphenol A 0.5 ml Exalpha The antibody may be used in ELISA and IAC. Dilutio Rabbit Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GASw/Trf Goat anti Swine transferrin 1 ml Exalpha Precipitation assays. In immunoelectrophoresis use Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
L115P Sheep anti Avian TGF beta II receptor (77-148) 100 µg Exalpha Western Blot (1:100), Immunohistochemistry Sheep Avian Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GARa/IgE(Fc)/FITC Goat anti Rat IgE (Fc specific), conjugated with FITC 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (fr Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MAHu/IgGc Mouse anti Human IgG (class specific) 0.5 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA. Mouse Human Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GARa/IgE(Fc)/7S Goat anti Rat IgE (Fc specific) 10 mg Exalpha Indirect immunofluorescence,ELISA,Dot blot,Immunob Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GAR/Ig/TRITC Goat anti Rabbit IgG IgA IgM (heavy and light chains), conjugated with TRITC 1 ml Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (fr Goat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
MAHu/BJL/PO Mouse anti Human Bence Jones lambda (surface and hidden determinants), conjugated with Horseradish peroxidase 0.2 mg Exalpha ELISA,Immunocytochemistry,Immunohistochemistry (pa Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
GpIgG Guinea Pig IgG 10 mg Exalpha Solicitar Precio Solicitar