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mostrando 50 de 16.622 resultados
Referencia Nombre Unidad Proveedor Aplicacion Clonalidad Huésped Reactividad Precio Hoja Técnica
STJC0001627 Rat COL10 (Collagen Type 10) CLIA Kit (STJC0001627) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001664 Rat ERN1 (Endoplasmic Reticulum To Nucleus Signalling 1) CLIA Kit (STJC0001664) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001884 Rat SELE (E-Selectin) CLIA Kit (STJC0001884) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001662 Rat EG-VEGF (Endocrine Gland Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) CLIA Kit (STJC0001662) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001679 Rat GAL (Galanin) CLIA Kit (STJC0001679) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001745 Rat IGFBP5 (Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5) CLIA Kit (STJC0001745) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001748 Rat IGFBP-2 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2) CLIA Kit (STJC0001748) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001878 Rat SEPP1 (Selenoprotein P) CLIA Kit (STJC0001878) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001771 Rat IL-27 (Interleukin 27) CLIA Kit (STJC0001771) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001958 Rat ApoA2 (Apolipoprotein A2) CLIA Kit (STJC0001958) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001697 Rat GR Beta (Glucocorticoid Receptor Beta) CLIA Kit (STJC0001697) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001630 Rat GCSFR (Colony Stimulating Factor Receptor, Granulocyte) CLIA Kit (STJC0001630) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001932 Rat TSGF (Tumor Specific Growth Factor/Tumor Supplied Group of Factor) CLIA Kit (STJC0001932) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001898 Rat MAP Tau (Microtubule Associated Protein Tau) CLIA Kit (STJC0001898) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001896 Rat THP (Tamm–Horsfall Glycoprotein) CLIA Kit (STJC0001896) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001615 Rat F13 (Coagulation Factor 13) CLIA Kit (STJC0001615) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001706 Rat GDF1 (Growth Differentiation Factor 1) CLIA Kit (STJC0001706) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001867 Rat SPC (Pulmonary Surfactant Associated Protein C) CLIA Kit (STJC0001867) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001791 Rat MIF (Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor) CLIA Kit (STJC0001791) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001655 Rat DAT (Dopamine Transporter) CLIA Kit (STJC0001655) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001871 Rat RBP4 (Retinol Binding Protein 4, Plasma) CLIA Kit (STJC0001871) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001699 Rat GLUT3 (Glucose Transporter 3) CLIA Kit (STJC0001699) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001866 Rat SELP (P-Selectin) CLIA Kit (STJC0001866) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001698 Rat gp130 (Glucoprotein 130) CLIA Kit (STJC0001698) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001640 Rat CREB1 (Cyclic AMP Response Element Binding Protein 1) CLIA Kit (STJC0001640) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001799 Rat MMP-3 (Matrix Metalloproteinase 3) CLIA Kit (STJC0001799) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001603 Rat AGT (Angiotensinogen) CLIA Kit (STJC0001603) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001656 Rat DMD (Dystrophin) CLIA Kit (STJC0001656) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001969 Rat AgRP (Agouti Related Protein) CLIA Kit (STJC0001969) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001739 Rat IgM (Immunoglobulin M) CLIA Kit (STJC0001739) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001976 Human AB42 (Amyloid Beta 42) CLIA Kit (STJC0001976) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Human Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001710 Rat GDF11 (Growth Differentiation Factor 11) CLIA Kit (STJC0001710) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001734 Rat hs-CRP (High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) CLIA Kit (STJC0001734) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001970 Rat NOS1/nNOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase 1, Neuronal) CLIA Kit (STJC0001970) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001704 Rat GzmsB (Granzyme B) CLIA Kit (STJC0001704) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001756 Rat IP-10/CXCL10 (Interferon Gamma Induced Protein 10kDa) CLIA Kit (STJC0001756) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001764 Rat IL-13 (Interleukin 13) CLIA Kit (STJC0001764) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001629 Rat BSP (Bone Sialoprotein 2) CLIA Kit (STJC0001629) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001483 Mouse VEGF-D (Vascular Endothelial cell Growth Factor D) CLIA Kit (STJC0001483) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001382 Mouse NUP160 (Nucleoporin 160kDa) CLIA Kit (STJC0001382) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001222 Mouse FGF9 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 9) CLIA Kit (STJC0001222) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001287 Mouse TIMP-1 (Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase 1) CLIA Kit (STJC0001287) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001308 Mouse hs-CRP (high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) CLIA Kit (STJC0001308) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001206 Mouse ECF/CCL11 (Eosinophil Chemotactic Factor) CLIA Kit (STJC0001206) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001336 Mouse IL-7 (Interleukin 7) CLIA Kit (STJC0001336) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001321 Mouse INHBP (Inhibin Binding Protein) CLIA Kit (STJC0001321) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001221 Mouse FGL2 (Fibrinogen Like Protein 2) CLIA Kit (STJC0001221) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001593 Rat CAV-1 (Caveolin-1) CLIA Kit (STJC0001593) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Rat Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001439 Mouse SYP (Synaptophysin) CLIA Kit (STJC0001439) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar
STJC0001407 Mouse PCT (Procalcitonin) CLIA Kit (STJC0001407) 96 T St Johns Labora CLIA Mouse Solicitar Precio Solicitar