ELISA Kit for Adhesion Molecule With Ig Like Domain Protein 1 (AMIGO1)

Supplier: USCNK
Reference: SEQ889Hu
Name: ELISA Kit for Adhesion Molecule With Ig Like Domain Protein 1 (AMIGO1)
Category: ELISA kit
Aditional Names: ALI2; Alivin-2; Amphoterin-Induced Gene And Open Reading Frame; Amphoterin-induced protein 1
Unit: 48T, 96T, 96T×5, 96T×10, 96T×100
Price: Consultar
Format: 48T, 96T, 96T×5, 96T×10, 96T×100
Application: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Antigen Dete