HRP Conjugate Stabilizer

Supplier: Fitzgerald
Reference: 85R-102
Name: HRP Conjugate Stabilizer
Category: Reagent
Subcategory: Biological Reagents
Research Area: Miscellaneous
Unit: 1 liter
Price: Consultar
Format: Clear yellow to brown solution, filtered through a 0.2 ? filter into sterile bottles. Supplied in MOPS buffer, pH 6.2 to 6.7, with BSA and preservatives 0.02% methylisothiazolone and 0.02% bromonitrodioxane, and 0.002% other active isothiazolones.
Description: Stabilization buffer for monoclonal or polyclonal antibody HRP conjugates
Storage conditions: Store at 4°C, or at Room Temperature. Product should equilibrate to room temperature before use. Store the conjugate solution at 4°C and protect from light.