Supplier: Isca Biochemicals
Reference: CV-070
Name: MCA-AVLQSGFR-Lys(Dnp)-Lys-NH2
Category: Peptide
Subcategory: Fluorescent labelled peptides
Aditional Names: SARS Main Protease FRET Substrate
Unit: 1 mg
Price: Consultar
Format: Freeze dried solid
Description: FRET substrate for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus main protease (SARS-CoV Mpro)
Storage conditions: Store desiccated, frozen and in the dark
Note: Soluble as a stock solution in DMSO
Aa sequence: Mca-Ala-Val-Leu-Gln-Ser-Gly-Phe-Arg-Lys(Dnp)-Lys-NH2