Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to Mannose Associated Serine Protease 2 (MASP2)

Supplier: -ABYLABEL-
Reference: ABK1-A13091
Name: Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to Mannose Associated Serine Protease 2 (MASP2)
Category: Antibody
Subcategory: Antibody labeling
Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase;Infection immunity;Immune molecule;
Aditional Names: Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease 2; mannan-Binding Lectin Serine Peptidase 2; MBL-associated serine protease 2
Unit: 200ul 1ml
Price: Consultar
Immunogen: -
Host: CHO
Reactivity: Homo sapiens (Human)
Application: WB; IHC; ICC.
Molecule type: Polyclonal Antibodies; Enzymes and Kinases; Immune Molecules;Conjugated Antibodies
Molecular activity: Immunity and Infection
Product Type: Immunohistochemistry; Immunocytochemistry; Western -Blot